Jason Sherman: Multifaceted Tech Visionary


Jason Sherman is a successful innovator, award winning filmmaker, published author, tech startup expert, and has a background in journalism. He is the CEO and co-founder of B2B SaaS AI creation platform Vengo AI. He previously co-founded popular video friendship app Spinnr.


Jason has been featured by several media outlets including the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The Verge, The Philadelphia Inquirer, ABC, CBS, NBC news, and many more. He is fluent in Spanish, is a classically trained violinist, and was a featured speaker on FOX’s Emmy award winning Futurist TV Show: Xploration Earth 2050.

Company: Vengo AI


We are thrilled to have you join us today, welcome to ValiantCEO Magazine’s exclusive interview! Let’s start off with a little introduction. Tell our readers a bit about yourself and your company

Jason Sherman: Thank you! I’m Jason Sherman, and I’m super excited to be here! I’m a tech guy and filmmaker from Philadelphia. I run a company called Vengo AI. We make smart AI assistants that can chat with people on websites using text, voice, and video.

Think of it like having a digital twin that talks to your customers just like you would. Our goal is to help businesses make better connections with their customers and close more sales.

If you were in an elevator with Warren Buffett, how would you describe your company, your services or products? What makes your company different from others? What is your company’s biggest strength?

Jason Sherman: If I were in an elevator with Warren Buffett, I’d say that my company, Vengo AI, creates smart digital assistants that chat with customers on websites using text, voice, and video.

Our AI assistants are like having a 24/7 sales team that talks just like you do, making customer service super personal and effective.

What sets us apart is how easy it is to use—just one line of code and you’re set. Our biggest strength is our ability to boost customer engagement and sales effortlessly, but for an affordable price, which democratizes AI for everyone.

Quiet quitting, The Great Resignation, is an ongoing trend causing many businesses to struggle to keep talent engaged and motivated. Most are leaving because of their boss or their company culture. 82% of people feel unheard, undervalued, and misunderstood in the workplace. In your experience, what keeps employees happy? And how are you adapting to the current shift we see?

Jason Sherman: In my experience, keeping employees happy comes down to a few key things. Make sure everyone feels heard. Regular check-ins and feedback sessions help. Show appreciation.

A simple thank you or recognizing someone’s hard work goes a long way.Be empathetic. Understand their needs and challenges. At Vengo AI, we adapt by fostering a positive company culture. We encourage open communication, celebrate successes, and offer flexibility.

We aim to create a supportive and motivating environment where everyone feels valued and part of the team.

Online business keeps on surging higher than ever, B2B, B2C, online shopping, virtual meetings, remote work, Zoom medical consultations, what are your expectations for the year to come and how are you capitalizing on the tidal wave?

Jason Sherman: The online business world is booming! For the coming year, I expect even more growth in online shopping, virtual meetings, and remote work. At Vengo AI, we’re riding this wave by enhancing our AI tools to help businesses connect better with their customers online.

We’re focusing on improving customer engagement with our AI-driven chatbots that provide 24/7 support via text, voice, and video.

This helps businesses close more sales and offer better customer service. By staying ahead of tech trends and constantly innovating, we’re ready to make the most of the online surge!

Business is all about overcoming obstacles and creating opportunities for growth. What do you see as THE real challenge right now?

Jason Sherman: Right now, the real challenge is keeping up with the rapid pace of technological change. Businesses need to adapt quickly to new tools and platforms while ensuring they provide excellent customer experiences.

At Vengo AI, we’re focused on helping businesses stay ahead by offering advanced AI solutions that are easy to implement and use. By addressing this challenge head-on, we’re turning it into an opportunity for growth and innovation.

In your experience, what tends to be the most underestimated part of running a company? Can you share an example?

Jason Sherman: In my experience, the most underestimated part of running a company is the importance of clear communication. Many think that having a great product or service is enough, but without effective communication, both internally and externally, things can fall apart.

For example, early on with Vengo AI, we had a fantastic team and a solid product, but we struggled with communicating our vision clearly to potential investors and clients.

It wasn’t until we started refining our messaging and ensuring everyone on the team was on the same page that we began to see real traction. Clear communication made a huge difference in aligning our goals and achieving success.

On a lighter note, if you had the ability to pick any business superpower, what would it be and how would you put it into practice?

Jason Sherman: If I could pick any business superpower, it would be the ability to instantly understand and predict market trends. I’d use this superpower to stay ahead of the curve, ensuring Vengo AI always offers cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of our clients.

By anticipating trends, we could develop features and services before they become mainstream, giving our clients a competitive edge and keeping our business innovative and relevant.

What does “success” in 2024 mean to you? It could be on a personal or business level, please share your vision

Jason Sherman: Success in 2024, to me, means seeing Vengo AI transform the way businesses interact with their customers. On a personal level, it means maintaining my healthy balance between work and life, where I can continue to innovate while enjoying time with hobbies, and loved ones.

My vision is for Vengo AI to be a trusted tool that empowers businesses, while I stay grounded and fulfilled, both professionally and personally.

Article originally published by: Jed Morley of ValiantCEO

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