Jason Sherman: Multifaceted Tech Visionary       Jason Sherman is a successful innovator, award winning filmmaker, published author, tech startup expert, and has a background in journalism. He is the

Women Driving Innovation You might not be aware, but in the cutting-edge scene of Philadelphia in 2024, women in tech are playing a crucial role in driving innovation, diversity, and

What Vengo AI does   Vengo AI empowers businesses to create AI digital identities that engage customers 24/7 through text, video, and voice. This all-in-one platform enhances customer interactions, boosts

Transforming Negative Emotions into Positive Actions We have all been there at some point in our lives. Someone has made us feel unworthy, not good enough, unwanted, or maybe even

AI Medical Robots Last Sunday, the future hit me. I was in church, praying for those in the congregation who requested prayer, and I heard about “AI medical robots.” Someone

Avatar Advantage AI avatars have arrived, and they’re revved up and raring to turbocharge your sales.  You can expect to see them making waves across the internet, especially on business

Digital Persona Creation Many of us have heard the acronym AI, which stands for artificial intelligence, but the AI we are discussing today refers to Artificial Influencers. You may not

Create AI Identities with One Line of Code Vengo AI, a pioneering platform in artificial intelligence and digital identities, has announced the launch of its revolutionary API designed to enable

Conceptual Genesis What inspired the initial idea for “Protocol 7”? Was there a specific event or piece of literature that sparked your imagination? For as long as I can remember,

Philly-Based Founder Jason Sherman Says He’s Aiming for Fewer Trolls and More Offline Fun. During the pandemic, Jason Sherman realized like many others how hard it is to connect with people when

Inspiring Female Leadership  Kristin LaSalle is a remarkable woman. At 41 years old, with 13 years of experience in the tech industry, she stands as a beacon of creativity and

Vengo AI and the Spinnr app are part of Spinnr Inc. Jason Sherman has some big names in his corner, and the big aspirations to match them. The CEO and co-founder

Financial Impacts of a TikTok Ban You may have heard that the government is trying to initiate a TikTok ban. Since this has not officially happened yet, we don’t actually

Social Learning Making friends as adults can sometimes be challenging, but what if I told you that babies could teach us a thing or two about forming connections? While it

Connecting Hobbies, Finding Friends People are sharing their stories all over the internet in search of finding friends. There is no denying that people are lonely and want more from