5 Ways to Find Friends Who Share Your Interests Nearby


likeminded friends hanging out making friends socializing couch interests


Whatever you’re interested in, there will be someone who loves it as much as you do. The tricky part is knowing where to find them, especially when you’re looking to make friends close by. Surprisingly, there are actually a lot of options for finding like-minded people. Whether it’s utilizing online methods or something a little more spontaneous, here are five of the best ways to find friends who share your interests nearby. 


  • Join a Group, Club, or Event Online

It’s pretty easy to find people who share your interests online. For example, Joining Facebook groups is a great way to meet people. Follow your interests and join whatever group appeals to you. If you’re not sure which to join, just pick something random and go for it. There are so many niche groups to choose from – try carpools, weekend bowling groups, and more. And if all else fails, there will always be opportunities to meet like-minded people at places like the gym or volunteering.

  • Meet Friends of Friends

If you already have a close-knit group of friends, sometimes the best way to expand your circle can to meet their friends. Usually, you’ll find that they are pretty similar and are interested in the same things you are interested in.

  • Do Things You Like By Yourself

It’s alright to take yourself on a date from time to time. For example, if you are a fan of wine tasting, that is something you can still do alone. In fact, some people find that they meet more people this way and create deeper connections with them.

  • Don’t Be Afraid To Talk To Strangers

Sometimes, the people we least expect to be our friends end up being our best friends. You can never tell for sure whether someone is similar to you until you start talking to them. Even if making conversation with another dog walker on the street or barista in a cafe doesn’t earn you a new friend, the conversational experience will help you in the long run.


  • Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Saying “yes” to going places and doing new things is essential to meeting new like-minded people. Kaitlin Vogel in 102 Ways To Make Friends writes, “yes can look like openness to trying new things, but it can also look like just being open to wherever the conversation takes you.” Whatever it is, being confident and adventurous is an attractive trait that will invite all kinds of people to be your friend, including those who are similar to you.


See Also: 5 Reasons Why Traveling is Important in Your Twenties

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