Women Driving Innovation You might not be aware, but in the cutting-edge scene of Philadelphia in 2024, women in tech are playing a crucial role in driving innovation, diversity, and

Inspiring Female Leadership  Kristin LaSalle is a remarkable woman. At 41 years old, with 13 years of experience in the tech industry, she stands as a beacon of creativity and

Loneliness: Men’s Mental Decline There have been many recent news reports about the loneliness epidemic. One of the issues highlighted is the growing trend in the decline of men’s mental

Secret Sharing  Friendships are built on trust, understanding, and mutual support. As we navigate through life, we feel the need to confide in someone, which leads to sharing secrets and

What is Gaslighting? Consider this: while ghosting can be incredibly hurtful, gaslighting presents a whole new level of emotional damage. When someone ghosts you, they simply vanish, allowing you to

Decades of Friendships Over the years, the way people have chosen friends has evolved, influenced by societal changes, technological advancements, and cultural shifts. Even though some of the ways we

Mindfulness: Quiet the Noise The last couple of years, I have felt like my mind has been getting louder. It’s in this “on” mode 24/7, and I can’t seem to

Friendship Through Hobbies Let’s be honest, making new friends is not the easiest thing in the world, and some of our more established friendships have evolved over time. Friends often

Financial Impacts of a TikTok Ban You may have heard that the government is trying to initiate a TikTok ban. Since this has not officially happened yet, we don’t actually

How to Disconnect Most of us have social media, and even if we don’t, we still have a social media app on our phones in case we want to log

Innovation meets capital In the vibrant world of entrepreneurship, where innovation meets capital, DBT Ventures emerges as a beacon of hope and transformation for underrepresented founders. Established in 2015 by

Adults Get Bullied, Too In school, we all knew who the snobs were. Everyone had a specific table at lunch that labeled their status, and there was no confusion. Believe

Generational Friendships Explored My friends and I always talk about this. I think I am like a borderline Gen Z and Gen X, making me a hybrid. I was born

Overcoming Past Struggles My journey to letting go and meeting new friends wasn’t always easy growing up. In the South, I spent a lot of time alone after my dad

Social Learning Making friends as adults can sometimes be challenging, but what if I told you that babies could teach us a thing or two about forming connections? While it

Spotting Deceptive Promises The other day, I was at a coffee shop and overheard two therapists talking loudly about a new symptom in patients that they called “Future Faking”. Of

Impact of Inflation The impact of inflation can significantly alter people’s lives, including their mental health. 46% of Americans reported feeling lonely and depressed due to the pandemic and post-pandemic

Dating Apps and Friendship Don’t Mix In the modern era of digital technology, finding new friends can be challenging. Many people turn to dating apps like Bumble and Tinder hoping

Galentine’s Gatherings Galore Galentine’s Day is growing in popularity, and searching for ideas reveals numerous events and coupons in your area. This day, dedicated to celebrating the love and friendship

Being Friends Before Lovers  You have probably heard the old saying, “You need to be best friends with your partner to have a lasting relationship.” In today’s busy world, more

Connecting Hobbies, Finding Friends People are sharing their stories all over the internet in search of finding friends. There is no denying that people are lonely and want more from

AI’s Growing Threat You may have seen the news about Taylor Swift taking action against AI-generated nude photos of her spreading all over the internet. This controversy is alarming. Some

Why New York Sounds the Alarm On May 3rd, 2023, United States Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, released a new Surgeon General Advisory calling attention to the public health crisis

Why Support is Important for Mental Health In today’s fast-paced and digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives, connecting us with friends, family, and even

The Power and Pitfalls of Social Media Blocking The internet, apps, and social media have become daily parts of our lives, connecting us with friends, family, and even strangers from

Divorce is Life Changing Divorce is a life-altering event that affects not only the individuals involved but also their social connections and overall well-being. In this blog post, we will

Navigating Divorce Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in divorce rates by over 35%. Researchers say that the COVID-19 quarantine caused marriages to fall apart within weeks.

Keeping Friends Out of Your Relationships During the height of the pandemic, divorce rates and filed separations were through the roof. The pandemic brought out the best and worst in

Navigating the Shift from Fame to Online Validation It is undeniable that individuals are increasingly focused on self-preservation and pursuing their own interests. These days, people don’t seem to know

The Nostalgia of AOL Chat Rooms When I was a kid, I would run home to dial up the AOL chat room that was connected to the house modem. I

Why Journaling is Great for Mental Health and Setting Goals Recently, I noticed many teens journaling, and I thought, perhaps these kids are onto something. Stores, both physical and online,

Friends Bring Joy The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, but it can also bring about feelings of stress, loneliness, and anxiety. During these times, having a

Why Many Men are Lonely It’s funny how there are thousands of online resources for mothers to connect with other moms, but few online resources for fathers to connect with

Try These Non-Traditional Holiday Activities We all know the traditional holiday traditions, but do we ever talk about the non-traditional holiday traditions for some? It would probably be fun and

Navigate Social Outings Safely Recently, it seems that every time you turn on the news, there is an alarming incident involving brazen violence, criminals, and protests in the streets. Road

Videos Are More Magical Videos allow others to relive special moments as if they were right there with you. Back in the 80s and 90s, someone in the family would

Cozy Up with Friendship and Coffee Seasonal holiday coffees are a popular choice during festive times, offering unique flavors and aromas that capture the spirit of the season. Check out

Why Volunteer during the Holidays? The holiday season is a time of giving, gratitude, and spreading joy and making a difference to those in need. Volunteering during this time can

I personally like to see my friends at least once a month. Being with them is always a vacation or holiday, no matter what season it is. But adulting is

In a world that often seems divided, World Kindness Day serves as a reminder of the power of compassion and empathy. This annual celebration, observed on November 13th, encourages individuals

This year has really flown by, and now we are already in the holiday season, the hustle and bustle, the busiest time of year, but also the most social time

I don’t know what it is about winter creeping in that onsets the blues and depression, but it’s 100% scientifically proven. Maybe it’s the long days where you can’t go

If you see people wearing green ribbons or clothing, or posting the green ribbon avatar and image on their social media accounts, or using the hashtag #WorldMentalHealth today, the reason

Last year, my team and I were fortunate enough to attend this event, and it simply blew me away. I didn’t go hungry with samples of crab cakes, sandwiches, filet

What you are about to read is controversial, so please understand that this is only my opinion. Is it just me, or does this seem dirty and unethical? I’m not

When I reminisce about childhood and even young adulthood, dance was such a big part. From the time we were in Kindergarten, meeting our very first friends, holding hands, and

In the world of dance, there’s something truly captivating about the nostalgia and energy of retro dance styles. And what better way to celebrate these timeless moves than through a

Recently, I needed a few days away to unwind from a stressful month. I didn’t want to go far, but I desired a mini vacation feel without hopping on a

I realized I had a problem with my social media use the first time when I felt a panic attack come on; I could barely breathe, and the room was

The Stages of Motherhood This week, my only child turns 17. Just writing this makes my heart sink. He just went back to school this week as well, so the

Loneliness is a complex emotion that affects individuals across various demographics. Recent studies have shed light on the intriguing ways in which the brains of lonely people work differently. In

In a world filled with diverse interests and passions, some individuals seek out hobbies that are truly out of the ordinary. These unique hobbies not only provide a break from

I remember when I was in high school, a girlfriend of mine would borrow my brand new clothes and then, to suck up to the popular girls, she would try

When I was a young girl, I grew up in Miami, Florida. Life was perfect with sunshine and good living. But things changed quickly when we were hit by the

Friendship is a beautiful bond that enriches our lives and provides us with support, laughter, and unforgettable memories. In the world of cinema, there are countless movies that beautifully capture

Our zodiac signs can reveal fascinating insights into our personalities, including how we approach friendships. Whether you’re an adventurous Aries or a compassionate Cancer, understanding the characteristics associated with your

Traveling with friends is an incredible way to create lasting memories and strengthen bonds. If you’re looking for exciting destinations to explore together for  memorable friend trips,  we’ve curated a

In the fast-paced and demanding world we live in, it’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of our careers and responsibilities. As we relentlessly pursue success and

Being a child of the 80’s, I grew up with Barbie. You can kind of call me a Barbie expert. Yes, she was one of my first friends. She would

  In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining strong and lasting friendships can be difficult. Friends who truly care about you should also care about your health and well being. Recently a

4 Reasons Why Gen Z Is The Loneliest Generation If you thought millennials were lonely, it looks like Gen Zs have it worse. In fact, Generation Z is the loneliest