Keeping Up with Friends and Make New Ones After Graduation

Maintaining friendships after graduation can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 75% of American adults have stayed in touch with at least one friend from high school or earlier. However, the study also found that only 30% of Americans have regular contact with these friends. Here are some tips to help with keeping up with friends and making new ones after graduation.




Keeping Up with School Friends
  • Use Social Media

Social media is a great way to stay connected with friends from school. Platforms like make it easy to keep up with what your friends are doing, even if they live far away. You can share updates about your life, comment on their posts, and even video chat with them. Or, you can even make new friends based off of the hobbies and interests you love on apps like Spinnr.

  • Plan a Reunion

Organizing a reunion is a great way to bring your school friends back together. You can plan a picnic, a barbecue, or even a weekend getaway. Talking about old memories and reliving your favorite moments is a great way to reignite the spark in your friendship. A reunion could be the perfect way to reconnect with your friends.

  • Attend Alumni Events

Many schools host alumni events throughout the year. These events are a great way to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones. According to the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, 89% of alumni who attended a reunion event said they felt more connected to their old school. 


Making New Friends During the Summertime
  • Attend Local Events

Summer is the perfect time to attend local events and meet new people. Whether it’s a concert, a park, or a market, there are many opportunities to socialize. Making new friends is an easier task while doing something you enjoy. Regularly attending events in your area could be a great way to meet like-minded people.

  • Volunteer

Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and give back to your community. According to a survey by the Corporation for National and Community Service, volunteers are more likely to feel connected to their communities and to have a strong sense of social responsibility. You can volunteer at a local soup kitchen, a homeless shelter, or even a community garden.

  • Take a Class

Taking a class during the summertime is a great way to learn something new and meet new people. Challenging yourself by trying new things is a great way to create deeper connections with others. People who participate in creative activities they enjoy are more likely to feel connected to others.


Staying in touch with school friends after graduation requires effort, but it’s worth it. Additionally, making new friends during the summertime can help you flourish in your new adult lifestyle. Remember, friendships require effort and time, but the rewards are priceless and that is why you should be keeping up with your friends after graduation and making new ones after graduation.

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