Secret Sharing  Friendships are built on trust, understanding, and mutual support. As we navigate through life, we feel the need to confide in someone, which leads to sharing secrets and

Friendship Through Hobbies Let’s be honest, making new friends is not the easiest thing in the world, and some of our more established friendships have evolved over time. Friends often

Overcoming Past Struggles My journey to letting go and meeting new friends wasn’t always easy growing up. In the South, I spent a lot of time alone after my dad

Social Learning Making friends as adults can sometimes be challenging, but what if I told you that babies could teach us a thing or two about forming connections? While it

Connecting Hobbies, Finding Friends People are sharing their stories all over the internet in search of finding friends. There is no denying that people are lonely and want more from

Unlocking the Secrets of Enduring Friendships Friendship is a true gift and one that keeps giving over and over by providing support, companionship, and shared experiences. While some friendships may

At the age of 26, I embarked on an incredible journey that would change my life forever. Leaving behind my homeland of Albania, I set my sights on Portugal, drawn

Saying Goodbye: Navigating Pandemic Changes Right in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, just over 3 years ago, my husband made the decision to stop working at his dad’s IT

Being a child of the 80’s, I grew up with Barbie. You can kind of call me a Barbie expert. Yes, she was one of my first friends. She would

  In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining strong and lasting friendships can be difficult. Friends who truly care about you should also care about your health and well being. Recently a

4 Reasons Why Gen Z Is The Loneliest Generation If you thought millennials were lonely, it looks like Gen Zs have it worse. In fact, Generation Z is the loneliest