Why Hobbies Provide Us with the Freedom to Explore Without Worrying About Achieving Perfection

Our society is infatuated with the notion of perfection. Whether it be in our occupations or relationships, we incessantly strive to attain excellence. But this relentless pressure can leave us feeling exhausted and even have a negative impact on our mental wellbeing. That’s where hobbies come into play! Pursuing an activity with no intention other than enjoyment gives us the liberty to simply appreciate something without having any expectations of faultlessness—and that’s what this blog post will explore: Why Hobbies Provide Us with the Freedom to Explore!



The Importance of Hobbies

A survey conducted by OnePoll discovered that 79% of Americans indulge in a hobby, granting us an escape from the pressure of everyday life. Not only do hobbies provide joy and leisure but also have a tremendous influence on our mental health; as found by the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology’s study, creativity-based activities can result in greater contentment and reduced levels of stress.


The Pressure to be Perfect

In our contemporary world, there is an overwhelming desire to be perceived as ideal. Social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest have added fuel to this fire by displaying glossy images of seemingly perfect lifestyles that leave us feeling inadequate if we can’t seem to measure up. Unfortunately, such persistent comparison has been identified as a contributing factor in depression, anxiety and loneliness – findings which are supported by the American Psychological Association’s survey results.


Embracing Mediocrity

Exploring our hobbies is an escape from the rigidity of perfection. As Katharine Whitehorn wisely said, “Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for it.” Pursuing a hobby gives us the confidence to pursue interests and passions without stressing over reaching perfection. If we’re having fun learning something new, any outcome will be satisfactory!


Learning from Mistakes

From time to time, when taking part in a hobby we will inevitably make mistakes. But these errors can be seen as beneficial learning experiences that create an opportunity for us to further our growth and development. As renowned author and artist Austin Kleon pointed out “Your job is collecting good ideas, the more you hoard the more variety of inspiration you have access to.” By embracing our missteps we are allowing ourselves to explore uncharted waters – broadening our horizons with alternative concepts and outlooks.


The Benefits of Imperfection

Embracing imperfection in our hobbies can be incredibly advantageous for us mentally. By not pressuring ourselves to strive for perfection, we ease the stress and anxiousness brought on by trying to meet an unattainable goal. Our self-worth also increases as it allows us to focus more on the journey rather than just reaching a destination. As author and blogger Gretchen Rubin stated, “The determination that comes from wanting excellence is energizing but when it turns into an expectation, then its power becomes poisonous.”


In Conclusion

In a world that prizes perfection above all else, it’s essential to remember the advantages of wholeheartedly embracing mediocrity through hobbies. These can offer us an opportunity to cherish and explore a pastime without stressing over attaining excellence. What’s more, they have been proven to be beneficial for our psychological well-being too! The next time you find yourself striving for absolute flawlessness in something, take one step back and try out something different – like taking up a hobby. You may be flabbergasted by how much better you feel after doing so!


What new hobby will you try? Let us know in the comments below!

See Also: How to Find the Perfect Hobby for You

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