What is Gaslighting? Consider this: while ghosting can be incredibly hurtful, gaslighting presents a whole new level of emotional damage. When someone ghosts you, they simply vanish, allowing you to

Adults Get Bullied, Too In school, we all knew who the snobs were. Everyone had a specific table at lunch that labeled their status, and there was no confusion. Believe

AI’s Growing Threat You may have seen the news about Taylor Swift taking action against AI-generated nude photos of her spreading all over the internet. This controversy is alarming. Some

The Power and Pitfalls of Social Media Blocking The internet, apps, and social media have become daily parts of our lives, connecting us with friends, family, and even strangers from

Bullying is an issue that has persisted for generations, casting a long and dark shadow over the lives of countless individuals. Its impact can be profound, leaving scars that often