Having a clear vision is crucial for any startup. It’s like the North Star that guides your journey. For instance, when I was developing my startup, Spinnr, the vision was

Friendship Through Hobbies Let’s be honest, making new friends is not the easiest thing in the world, and some of our more established friendships have evolved over time. Friends often

Adults Get Bullied, Too In school, we all knew who the snobs were. Everyone had a specific table at lunch that labeled their status, and there was no confusion. Believe

Why Volunteer during the Holidays? The holiday season is a time of giving, gratitude, and spreading joy and making a difference to those in need. Volunteering during this time can

In a world that often seems divided, World Kindness Day serves as a reminder of the power of compassion and empathy. This annual celebration, observed on November 13th, encourages individuals

Bullying is an issue that has persisted for generations, casting a long and dark shadow over the lives of countless individuals. Its impact can be profound, leaving scars that often

Being a child of the 80’s, I grew up with Barbie. You can kind of call me a Barbie expert. Yes, she was one of my first friends. She would