Social Learning

Making friends as adults can sometimes be challenging, but what if I told you that babies could teach us a thing or two about forming connections? While it may seem surprising, statistics reveal that there are valuable lessons to be learned from the social interactions of infants. Scientists and technology companies are using babies to slow down the data approach and teach AI social learning in a more human-like way.

“This research is just one example of how babies could take us a step closer to teaching computers to learn like humans—and ultimately build AI systems that are as intelligent as we are. Babies have inspired researchers for years. They are keen observers and excellent learners. Babies also learn through trial and error, and humans keep getting smarter as we learn more about the world. Developmental psychologists say that babies have an intuitive sense of what will happen next. For example, they know that a ball exists even though it is hidden from view, that the ball is solid and won’t suddenly change form, and that it rolls away in a continuous path and can’t suddenly teleport elsewhere.” – Melissa Heikkilä, MIT Technology Review

In this post, we will explore the fascinating world of babies and how their innate abilities can guide adults in making friends.

Non-Verbal Communication

Babies excel at non-verbal communication, relying on facial expressions, gestures, and body language to convey their needs and emotions. According to research, 55% of communication is non-verbal. Adults can learn from this by paying attention to their own non-verbal cues and being more observant of others. By being mindful of our body language and facial expressions, we can create a more welcoming and approachable presence, making it easier for others to initiate conversations.

Curiosity and Openness

Babies are naturally curious about the world around them. They approach new experiences and people with a sense of wonder and openness and apply their findings to their social learning. As adults, we can adopt a similar mindset by embracing new opportunities and being open to meeting new people. Statistics show that individuals who actively seek out new experiences and are open to meeting new people have a higher likelihood of forming meaningful friendships. That means getting outside, talking to new people, and exploring your city and community for a better chance of meeting and connecting with others.

Authenticity and Vulnerability

Babies are unapologetically themselves. They express their emotions without hesitation, whether it’s joy, sadness, or frustration. This authenticity creates a genuine connection with others. As adults, we can learn from this by embracing vulnerability and being authentic in our interactions. Statistics indicate that individuals who are open about their thoughts, feelings, and experiences are more likely to attract like-minded individuals and build lasting friendships. At a certain point in our teenage years and early adulthood, we stop being as authentic and start caring way too much about the judgment of others, so we try to mold ourselves into what we think will allow us to be accepted. Some of us find a group that lets us in with open arms; other people will join many different groups and have many identities before finding the right squad.

Playfulness and Laughter

Babies are masters of playfulness and laughter. They find joy in the simplest of things and use laughter as a way to connect with others. Incorporating playfulness and humor into our interactions as adults can help break the ice and create a positive atmosphere. Studies have shown that laughter releases endorphins, fostering a sense of bonding and camaraderie among individuals. One of my favorite pastimes is laughing with friends about everything and nothing all at once.

Active Listening

Babies may not be able to speak, but they are excellent listeners. They pay close attention to the sounds and voices around them, responding with coos and smiles. As adults, we can improve our listening skills by being fully present in conversations, actively listening to others, and showing genuine interest. Statistics reveal that individuals who are skilled listeners are more likely to form deep and meaningful connections with others.

Babies possess many unique qualities that can teach adults valuable lessons about making friends. By observing their non-verbal communication, curiosity, authenticity, playfulness, and active listening skills, we can enhance our own social interactions. So, let’s take a page from the book of babies to create meaningful connections and friendships in our adult lives.

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