Having a clear vision is crucial for any startup. It’s like the North Star that guides your journey. For instance, when I was developing my startup, Spinnr, the vision was
Tag: networking
Inspiring Female Leadership Kristin LaSalle is a remarkable woman. At 41 years old, with 13 years of experience in the tech industry, she stands as a beacon of creativity and
In the fast-paced and demanding world we live in, it’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of our careers and responsibilities. As we relentlessly pursue success and
How to Make a Good First Impression on Anyone Making a good first impression is crucial in any situation, whether it’s meeting someone new at a social gathering, a job
A New Social Media Hazard: Musk’s Blue Check Verification As technology develops, we are drawn further and further away from reality. With new risks online like Deepfakes, it has become