Help, Save Me, I’m Drowning! As a CEO or business owner, your life is full of hustle and bustle. In fact, your workload only allows for a minuscule amount of

The Busy Life of a CEO If you were to catalog the responsibilities of a CEO, you’d discover it’s an extensive list! Despite having a full team to delegate tasks

Philly-Based Founder Jason Sherman Says He’s Aiming for Fewer Trolls and More Offline Fun. During the pandemic, Jason Sherman realized like many others how hard it is to connect with people when

Vengo AI and the Spinnr app are part of Spinnr Inc. Jason Sherman has some big names in his corner, and the big aspirations to match them. The CEO and co-founder

Friendship Through Hobbies Let’s be honest, making new friends is not the easiest thing in the world, and some of our more established friendships have evolved over time. Friends often

Social Learning Making friends as adults can sometimes be challenging, but what if I told you that babies could teach us a thing or two about forming connections? While it