Inclusion Beyond the Classroom: Supporting Adults with Down Syndrome As a teacher, I’ve had the honor of working with students with Down syndrome and other disabilities throughout their formative years,

Beware of Energy Vampires Energy vampires are individuals who drain your energy, leaving you feeling depleted and exhausted after interacting with them. It is important to recognize these individuals and

Navigating Post-Pandemic Emotions In the wake of the past couple of years post-pandemic, it’s challenging to articulate the profound shifts in our lives and friendships. It is not uncommon to

Internal Struggles and Doubt Life is not easy, and what makes it harder is the constant doubt that plays in some of our minds on a daily basis. Not being

Support for Medical Personnel If you’re a medical personnel, you’re well aware of the constant noise and chaos that surrounds your day. What if we told you that there could

“Diversity and inclusion are not just values we advocate for; they are principles we actively practice.” –Jason Sherman This powerful statement from Jason Sherman is the driving philosophy behind his

Philly-Based Founder Jason Sherman Says He’s Aiming for Fewer Trolls and More Offline Fun. During the pandemic, Jason Sherman realized like many others how hard it is to connect with people when

Understanding Burnout Burnout is a distinct form of stress, often associated with work, that can affect your physical and mental health. Mayo Clinic defines burnout as “a state of physical

Loneliness: Men’s Mental Decline There have been many recent news reports about the loneliness epidemic. One of the issues highlighted is the growing trend in the decline of men’s mental

What is Gaslighting? Consider this: while ghosting can be incredibly hurtful, gaslighting presents a whole new level of emotional damage. When someone ghosts you, they simply vanish, allowing you to

Mindfulness: Quiet the Noise The last couple of years, I have felt like my mind has been getting louder. It’s in this “on” mode 24/7, and I can’t seem to

How to Disconnect Most of us have social media, and even if we don’t, we still have a social media app on our phones in case we want to log

Adults Get Bullied, Too In school, we all knew who the snobs were. Everyone had a specific table at lunch that labeled their status, and there was no confusion. Believe

Overcoming Past Struggles My journey to letting go and meeting new friends wasn’t always easy growing up. In the South, I spent a lot of time alone after my dad

Spotting Deceptive Promises The other day, I was at a coffee shop and overheard two therapists talking loudly about a new symptom in patients that they called “Future Faking”. Of

Impact of Inflation The impact of inflation can significantly alter people’s lives, including their mental health. 46% of Americans reported feeling lonely and depressed due to the pandemic and post-pandemic

Why New York Sounds the Alarm On May 3rd, 2023, United States Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, released a new Surgeon General Advisory calling attention to the public health crisis

Need for Inclusivity Eating disorders pose serious risks to both physical and mental health, requiring specialized treatment for recovery. However, the financial burden of seeking residential treatment for eating disorders

Why Support is Important for Mental Health In today’s fast-paced and digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives, connecting us with friends, family, and even

The Power and Pitfalls of Social Media Blocking The internet, apps, and social media have become daily parts of our lives, connecting us with friends, family, and even strangers from

Navigating Divorce Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in divorce rates by over 35%. Researchers say that the COVID-19 quarantine caused marriages to fall apart within weeks.

Navigating the Shift from Fame to Online Validation It is undeniable that individuals are increasingly focused on self-preservation and pursuing their own interests. These days, people don’t seem to know

Unlocking the Secrets of Enduring Friendships Friendship is a true gift and one that keeps giving over and over by providing support, companionship, and shared experiences. While some friendships may

Why Journaling is Great for Mental Health and Setting Goals Recently, I noticed many teens journaling, and I thought, perhaps these kids are onto something. Stores, both physical and online,

Friends Bring Joy The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, but it can also bring about feelings of stress, loneliness, and anxiety. During these times, having a

Why Many Men are Lonely It’s funny how there are thousands of online resources for mothers to connect with other moms, but few online resources for fathers to connect with

This year has really flown by, and now we are already in the holiday season, the hustle and bustle, the busiest time of year, but also the most social time

I don’t know what it is about winter creeping in that onsets the blues and depression, but it’s 100% scientifically proven. Maybe it’s the long days where you can’t go

At the age of 26, I embarked on an incredible journey that would change my life forever. Leaving behind my homeland of Albania, I set my sights on Portugal, drawn

If you see people wearing green ribbons or clothing, or posting the green ribbon avatar and image on their social media accounts, or using the hashtag #WorldMentalHealth today, the reason

Saying Goodbye: Navigating Pandemic Changes Right in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, just over 3 years ago, my husband made the decision to stop working at his dad’s IT

The Stages of Motherhood This week, my only child turns 17. Just writing this makes my heart sink. He just went back to school this week as well, so the

Bullying is an issue that has persisted for generations, casting a long and dark shadow over the lives of countless individuals. Its impact can be profound, leaving scars that often